AGES 0 -476
127 A.C
Hipparchus of Nicaea was a Greek astronomer, geographer and mathematician. His contributions include: the first catalog of stars; the division of the day in 24 hours of the year XIV the divisions of the day varied with the seasons); the discovery of the precession of the equinoxes; The distinction between the sidereal year and the tropical year, a greater precision in the measurement of the Earth-Moon distance and the obliquity of the ecliptic, the invention of trigonometry and the concepts of geographical longitude and latitude
240 A.C
Eranthotenes of cyrene was a greek mathematician, astronomer, and geographer pf cyrenean origin. he conceived geography as a systematic discipline for the first time, developing a terminology that is still used today. 2 erasthotenes is known mainly for being the first person to calculate the circunference of the earth, which he did when comparing the altitudes noon in two places separated by a north-south distance. his calculation was remarkably precise. he was also the first to calculate tilt of the earth axis.
250 A.C
Aristarchus was a Greek astronomer and mathematician, born in Samos, Greece. He was the first known person to propose the heliocentric model of the Solar System, placing the Sun, and not the Earth, at the center of the known universe. This proposal was made after studying the distance and size of the Sun (determined that the Sun it was much bigger than Earth) .
Aristarchus was one of the many sages who made use of the emblematic Library of Alexandria, which brought together the most privileged minds of the classical world.
His original works were probably lost in one of the several fires that the Library of Alexandria suffered. Of the heliocentric model of Aristarco we only have the quotations of Plutarco and Archimedes.
300 A.C euclides: Greek mathematician Along with Archimedes and Apollonius of Perga, after him, Euclid was soon included in the series of the great mathematicians of antiquity. However, in light of the immense influence that his work exerts throughout history, we must also consider him as one of the most illustrious of all times.
Although he made contributions and corrections of relief, Euclid has sometimes been seen as a mere compiler of Greek mathematical knowledge. In fact, the great merit of Euclid lies in its work of systematization: starting from a series of definitions, postulates and axioms, established by rigorous logical deduction all the harmonious building of Greek geometry
400 A.C finally, hipocrates was a doctor of Old Greece that exerted during the called century of Pericles. He is classified as one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine, and many authors refer to him as the "father of medicine", 1 2 3 in recognition of his important and lasting contributions to this science as founder of the school that bears his name. This intellectual school revolutionized the medicine of its time, establishing it as a discipline separate from other fields with which it had been traditionally associated (mainly theurgy and philosophy) and turning the exercise of it into an authentic profession
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